A new report published in the Telegraph has highlighted a rise in financial abuse cases being dealt with. Hundreds of vulnerable individuals are being exploited by “deputies” each year according to new figures released by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).

The OPG Stripped powers from over four hundred deputies and attorneys in the year up to June this year, with many of those cases being passed on to Local Authorities.

Cases, where the OPG have acted, include ones where the Deputy has financially misappropriated funds from the person they are supposed to be acting on behalf of. These acts include re-mortgaging properties, changing beneficiaries of a will, gaining access to savings.

In 2018/19, the OPG dealt with 603 complaints against deputies and investigated almost 3000 Deputies and those holding Powers of Attorney.

You can read much more at the Telegraph’s website – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/spike-exploitation-vulnerable-people-court-removes-hundreds/